
Weekly iPhone photo diary~

Hello~ みんな元気ですか?

Christmas is already around the corner and the year 2011 is almost over, gosh the time passes by fast! as you might noticed I have been getting lazy in taking a real photos with my DSLR,,, its sitting in the corner dusting away..  :sigh:  =__=;;

but yes the iPhone comes in handy most of the time and I do get lazy in grabbing the dslr but one of my new years resolutions will be "get back into photography!" so please be patient with me, I blame the cold temperature makes me not wanna do anything... lol ^^;;

OH I will be going on a much needed mini vacation this weekend starting tomorrow to Chicago!! really excited found a kaiten zushi *conveyor belt sushi* place!! If you have any suggestions on cool places to visit in Chicago please let me know!

Here is another weekly iPhone diary~ 

My first ever real Fraser fir christmas tree~

zach insisted he wanted a real tree so we got it but I always feel bad for the tree..  cut off just to be decorated for christmas ;__:
some decorations I got via Target lol Hey I live at Target nation here in MN
Decorated tree~ the theme: Candies and bows!
The tree is pretty big and fat so all the small decoration disappeared into the tree lol

My crazy new growth that I need to color but been super lazy to do so... D;
random doodle... I need to pick up my pencil and draw more often, I forget how fun it is to draw n_n

Zach's crazy obsession: Vitamix

we decided to finally get the Vitamix after many debate on why he needed it... me: " why does a stupid blender cost so much,, its just a blender!!.. o_0" his excuse: " you came make just about anything, it has 7 year warrenty and also we can be more healthy with having this"  guys logic lol

Gross green drink zach made.... ~D; Zach" its really good!! try it!"
decided to make my favorite dish: Oden! Its a winter dish Japanese people love to eat during cold seasons~ :D~

Got my Misshaus.com haul everything i got was 50% off! the sale is still going on till the 19th! All the packaging are really nice~

Generous GWP! All FULL sized items!
Ive been wanting a nail polish spray dryer! I can't wait to test it out~
wanted to test out how their skin care items are~ anyone tried this? if so how is it :D
Love package all the way from Japan~ ^__^ Hontouni itsumo arigatou ne Miyuki-chan~

Kawaii packaging heaven!!

AHhh new Kit hat flavors to try~ Caffe latte, pumpkin cheese cake!!

well that was it~ I will be pack blogging Sunday, update you with my Holiday giveaway & my Chicago trip! Lots of yummy food and Mitsuwa is waiting for me ha ha ♥

Take care everyone!



Mint nail polish comparison~

Just a small comparison
Been pretty lazy with applying nail polish lately but if I do I have been addicted to wearing minty shades~ haven't had much time to buy other mint shade nail polish but once I get more will make sure to do a comparison :)

 I lined it up with light to dark shades, the HK polish is the lightest out of the three with more on a pastel blue-ish shade, the SH I would say is the true mint shade out of the 3 and Orly polish are more on the aqua shade out of the 3 shades~

HK is the runniest out of the 3, thin consistency requires 3 coats to achieve full opacity.  
 Nice consistency not to runny not to thick easy to apply, need only 2 coats to achieve opacity
Semi thick consistency, a little bit on the gooey side but only need 2 coats to achieve opacity

with 3 coats

with 2 coats

with 2 coats

I LOVE SH mint sorbet the most long lasting and fast drying polish out of 3 with the right shade of mint and the price doesn't hurt either! ^__^

well that was it for this post~
 please let me know what is your favorite mint polish as well? ♥



Popteen December 2011 issue *pic heavy*

Popteen 12/2011 issue :D

sorry its belated... X3

Click below for more~

Im back! iPhone weekly photo Diary~

HI there~
 I know it has been a long time since I have made any post and I am sincerely sorry to neglect you all, I took about 2 weeks off from much of the internet activity to focus on getting my health up to 100% since I have not been feeling great this past few months and so I started to get some what depressed from stress and personal issues to a point I just didn't feel great at all...

I am back to tell you that I am back to feeling like myself again! ^__^

To all who gave me well wishes in twitter, thank you so much for your kind regards,, means so much to me to continue my little blog with you to have all the kind & loving support from you all,, THANK YOU! 

I am truly sorry to make you worry and the delay in announcing the winner to Hadanomy cleanser. 


Kt Fluty

I have sent you an email with some info~ :)

To all the have entered in this mini giveaway thank you! Please don't worry I have a special THANK YOU Holiday giveaway in the next giveaway please stay tuned!! 

mean while here is my supposed to be weekly iPhone photo diary post, since missed last week I have tons of photos to share :D

my all time favorite childhood character that still till this day it brings me a smile when I see Totoro :D
Thanksgiving handmade homemade pumpkin and apple pie
Thanksgiving dinner with zachs family~
my Thanksgivings day look with sun in my face lol :P
the dark ash brown shade faded to a med brown shade,, D;
First snow of the season!
Ninja was super curious of the white snow haha ;3
decided to put up some christmas light outdoor~
my favorite hot cocoa from Starbucks are now sold in stores~ Happy that I can make them at home! yum! 

sleeping Ninja! He sleeps like a person lol 
covered him up with his head on the pillow! so cute!
I heart Harley! so KAWAII!! he is zach's aunts silverback Yorkie<3 
can you believe he is like 11 years old!!  still looks like a puppy I want one D;

made chocolate cupcake for friends Bday~ 
Im sorry for the lack of FOTD.... =__=;; I barely wear any contacts or makeup lately too lazy... 
real me, a nerd lol 
NINJA TURTLE!! forgot to show you what Ninja looked like with halloween costume LOL 
"mama why you make me wear stuff? I hate it.." cause you are too cute :D
After the first snow of the year it didn't snow for the next few days until it snowed again! it was really pretty :)
big and fluffy snow~
my winter wear~ has been FREEZING here!
chirashi yum yum :D
Love package from my Japanese speaking buddy Shizukaちゃん all the way from Australia!! ありがとう!
my order from asianfoodgrocer.com :D
cute soap pump that I had to get lol :D
My order from beauty.com 
they had a black friday special where you got a free full size Boscia hydra-lift with $10 purchase!! 
my skin had been super dry~ read good reviews on this lotion! Applied to my hands and it immediately moisturized my dry hands! :D

well that was it for this post~ Thank you for stopping by again! 


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